Laptop PC Samsung Q1P SSD 7 with Intel Pentium M ULV Processor. This laptop can carried in a small briefcase, daypack or handbag. ultra-low voltage Intel Pentium M processor, OS with Windows XP Tablet operating system, Internet access using Wi-Fi networks (802.11b/g) or through your cell phone with Bluetooth connection. The Laptop Q1P SSD also comes with an innovative 32 GB solid state flash memory drive (instead of the traditional rotational disk drive), which offers quicker response from the OS, faster write speed, and a lighter weight. Specs and feature : Full-powered PC with multimedia functionality--weighs just 1.7 pounds, Screen size 7-inch LCD touchscreen (800 x 480 pixels) with landscape and portrait orientation. Innovative 32 GB flash memory hard drive; 1 GB of RAM (max) and Integrated WLAN 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth 2.0 to keep you connected anytime, anywhere Powered by Windows XP Tablet and 1.0 GHz Intel Pentium M ULV processor.
Instant Media Gratification: on AVS Multimedia features allow you to experience movies, photos and music the touch of a button and without having to boot the Windows operating system. This mini laptop supports many video formats--including AVI, DVD, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, ASF and TS..and is also compatible with MP3 and WMA audio files. You can listen to your music or movies privately using the headphone jack, or using the built-in speakers with enhanced SRS TruSurround sound. Treat friends and family to photo slideshows and easily access your picture library with the AVS Now thumbnail gallery, which makes it easy to scroll through your entire photo collection.
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