PC-Koubou has collaborated with Capcom to launch two desktops and one laptop that come bundled with a Street Fighter IV DVD game and the X360 PC controller. The PC-Koubou Amphis GS806iCi7 Type-Srx-ST4 is powered by a 2.66-GHz Intel Core i7 920 CPU with a 3GB of RAM, an nVidia GeForce GTS 250 with 512MB of VRAM, and a 1TB of HDD. The desktop is priced at 139,800 Yen (1,467). Meanwhile, the PC-Koubou Amphis BTO GS804iC2D-ST features a 3-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 CPU, a 2GB of RAM, an nVidia GeForce GTS 250 with 512MB of VRAM, and a 500GB of HDD. You can purchase it for 109,980 Yen ($1,154).
The PC-Koubou Lesance GSN628GW TYPE-G-ST4 laptop boasts a 2.53-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 CPU, a 4GB of RAM, an nVidia GeForce GT 130M with 512MB of VRAM, a 320 HDD, and a 15.4-inch LCD screen with a WUXGA resolution. The laptop retails for 149,980 Yen ($1,574). These computers also feature a DVD Super Multi and Microsoft Windows Vista OS.
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